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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Valegate Minecraft Server

Data Collection and Usage

We collect basic non-identifiable information about users on our website, primarily provided during registration. This includes email addresses and usernames. Additionally, we store IP addresses for registered users to assist with moderation duties such as spam prevention and detecting alternative accounts.

If you wish to delete your account, a site administrator can remove all data related to your user from our system upon request. To make this request, please contact us via email at admin@valegate.com with the subject line "DATA PROTECTION REQUEST". It is important this email is done from the account you are registered on the website with.


We use cookies to store small pieces of non-identifiable information with your consent. To consent to the use of cookies, you must either close the cookie notice or register on our website. The data stored by cookies includes recently viewed topic IDs and a unique, unidentifiable hash for users who select "Remember Me" to facilitate automatic login on subsequent visits.

By using our website, you agree to the collection and use of your data as outlined in this privacy policy.