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Terms and Conditions

Valegate Minecraft Server Terms of Service

1. Access and Accounts

1.1. You may access the Valegate Minecraft Server and all other services provided by Valegate (the "Services") through your Minecraft account or Discord account via our website at https://www.valegate.com . By doing so, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service.

1.2. If you share an account with other users, this agreement applies to all users of that account. It is the account owner's responsibility to ensure that all users have read and comply with these Terms.

2. Limitations of License

Valegate and its representatives reserve the right to suspend access to the Server if you:

2.1. Engage in activities deemed against the spirit or intent of the Server's services.

2.2. Use cheats, hacks, or any unauthorized methods to influence gameplay or gain unfair advantages.

2.3. Use automated processes such as bots or crawlers to access, use, or manipulate the Server.

2.4. Promote, encourage, or participate in hacking, phishing, or unauthorized modifications of the Server.

2.5. Exploit the Server for unauthorized purposes, including reselling in-game items or services for real-world compensation.

2.6. Create or use in-game items generated through bugs or design flaws.

2.7. Copy, modify, or distribute any material from the Server without authorization.

2.8. Sell, rent, or exploit the Server for commercial purposes.

2.9. Delete, alter, or obscure intellectual property or proprietary notices.

2.10. Harass, threaten, or harm others, or advocate such behavior.

2.11. Organize or participate in hate groups or offensive activities based on race, gender, religion, or other protected characteristics.

2.12. Attack or disrupt the Server, including through the distribution of viruses or denial of service attacks.

2.13. Post or share content that infringes on intellectual property or privacy rights.

2.14. Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Server or other accounts.

2.15. Use the Server in any way prohibited by law.

3. User Content

3.1. Valegate is not responsible for the conduct of any user or for pre-screening or monitoring user content. You use the Server at your own risk and are responsible for the content you post.

3.2. By posting content, you agree that it will be accurate, free from intellectual property infringements, and not violate any laws or third-party rights.

3.3. Your content must not contain malicious code or spam.

3.4. All user content is considered non-confidential, and Valegate will handle personal information according to its Privacy Policy. Valegate is not responsible for third-party use of your content.

4. Term

4.1. These Terms remain in effect unless modified by Valegate. Termination of any license does not affect the validity of other provisions.

5. Service Availability and Termination

5.1. Valegate may update, modify, or patch the Server at its discretion.

5.2. Valegate reserves the right to terminate or restrict access to the Server or any accounts at any time, for any reason, without notice and without liability.

By accessing or using the Valegate Minecraft Server or any services provided by us, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. Enjoy your time on the Server!